Lets remember Allah in a gathering… He will remember us in a better gathering?
Weekly Programs
Jumuah Salaat: Our Jummah Salat time is same all around the year. First Jummah Speech starts at 1.30 pm and the second jumuah speech starts at 2:30 pm
- Thursday Night Sleep Over and Tahajjud in the Masjid: The Youth Program is designed to give meaningful, inspiring, fun and entertaining events while promoting brotherhood through bonding and team building. Whether you have young children or are in college yourself, Darul Huda Masjid has a program for you! Our programs are centered around education, identity development, social and community service.
- Weekly Community Visit (Joula/Ghust): Every Wednesday we reach out to the community members to encourage them to be part of the masjid programs.
Masjid Mashuwara: Every Tuesday at 7:00pm general body meeting. Feel free to participate the mashuwara session and present your ideas.
- Every Sunday after fajar Tajweed Class:Tajweed is an Arabic word, which literally means to beautify or adorn something. In the context of the recitation of the Quran Tajweed refers to a set of rules for the correct pronunciation of the letters with all its qualities and applying the various of recitation.
Every Sunday After Maghrib Salat Tafsir Class:
Tafseer is a body of commentary and explication, aimed at explaining the meanings of the Qur’an, the central religious text of Islam. Tafseer works can broadly be categorised by its affiliated Islamic schools and branches and the era it was published, classic or modern. Our Imam goes over different ayats from the Holy Quran and explains them from different point of view with references from different classical works. The best part of the program is the Question and Answer session. You are welcome to ask any questions related to the ayat or topics covered during the Tafseer halaqah. You are humbly invited to join us.
- Weekday Maktab (Mon-Thur) from 5:30pm-7:30pm
- Sunday School from 11:00am-2:00pm
Dawah and New Muslim Education
- Monday Joula After Asr Salat
- Accepting Shahadah (call us to make an apointment)
- New muslim basic Islamic Education